Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My ankles are a little sore from yesterday. Next time I do that much hula hoop I need to wear shoes. I think I'm going to look into getting a step and doing some serious step aerobics for a while. I did step classes in highschool and LOVED them. And I know that I can get workouts off of netflix. It's just a matter of finding one that I like, that is on the instant queue.

I did wii fit again this morning, this time focusing on lower body strength training. I did rowing squats, side leg lifts, and lunges, plus the yoga positions that are associated with them. It's not a GREAT workout, but it's at least something to get me back into the routine of working out. I think I'm going to change the time of day that I'm doing it though. I've been working out during K's morning nap, but if I do that, I feel like I'm taking time away from playing with Noah. The solution will likely be to workout during Noah's nap. That means I won't be taking a shower until like 3 or 4 pm, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to be a problem for me.

B - 2 eggs, toast
L - Mac n cheese (I have a toddler, it's going to happen a lot)
D - Chicken and baked sweet potato

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