Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Last night was really rough on me mentally/emotionally, so I'm having a rough time with getting things done today that aren't 'essential'. Yes I know that working out needs to be as essential as brushing my teeth is, but it's just not today. I have been up and moving a lot today though. The boys and I had to run to the store this morning, and then we went to the aquarium. Personally I think that carrying K while keeping track of Noah should count as a workout, but I know that it technically doesn't.

B - Egg McMuffin, Orange Juice, Hashbrowns
L - Protein shake, toast
S - something healthy, I promise
D - French bread pizza

If I somehow manage to get the house as clean as I need it to be for tomorrow's play date, I'll get a workout in tonight some time. If I'm still standing.

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