Monday, December 27, 2010

After some pretty serious binging for the three days of Christmas, I feel the need to be really healthy today. I doubt I'll get an actual workout in, but I have a lot of cleaning to do, plus carrying around a 20lb baby, so I'll be burning calories regardless.

B - 2 eggs, whole wheat toast w/ butter, 3/4 of an orange (the toddler got the rest) and some water.
S - Handful of pistachio's
L - Chicken fajitas
Chamomile tea with honey
D - Taco salad

I had 3 bite sized three musketeers for 'dessert' while Z and I were playing games.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My friend Brittany has motivated me to start being more healthy. It's a really bad time of year for that. With so many parties and holiday events it's difficult to control what I'm eating, and it's already difficult to find the time to workout. So for now I'm going to do what I can. We'll start with food tracking. It's always enlightening to write down everything you eat. Lots of stuff ends up in your mouth without even realizing it.

B - Green tea, lots of water, toast w/ butter & jam
L - pasta salad, potato chips, pomegranate seeds, golden Oreo's (I have a lot of junk to get out of the house)
S - pomegranate seeds
D - We'll be going to SL with the whole big family tonight, and I'm not sure if we're eating up there or not. If so I'll keep it as healthy as I can. If not we'll be having taco salad when we get home tonight.