Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 6 & 7

I confess, yesterday I didn't work out. But I was active all day long, cleaning the house and doing laundry, and I still ate really really healthy. I don't remember what exactly but I know that it was eggs with yummy stuff for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and Italian turkey burgers for dinner.

Breakfast: Eggs with mushrooms, cheese, and spinach. whole wheat toast

Workout: Cardio.
After not working out yesterday I noticed that today felt a little bit harder. guess that right there is good motivation to keep going!

Snack: Protein shake mixed with milk

Lunch: Left over Italian turkey burgers with spinach salad

Snack: Apples and cottage cheese with cinnamon. YUMM

Dinner: Bun-less hamburger with pico

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 4 - 01/11/09

Breakfast: Eggs with mushrooms, spinach, tomato and cheese. Glass of milk

Workout: Cardio Party
I really didn't want to workout today. I wanted to just be lazy, and especially go and take a shower since I didn't take one after my workout last night. But I got my butt in gear and did it anyway, and it was great. I'm glad that I did.

Snack: Peanut butter toast, glass of milk

Lunch: Ham and turkey wrap

Dinner: Chicken and rice with salad.
I was at a dual birthday party, so I ate as healthy as I could, but I would have preferred to not have had all of that rice. But I didn't have the croissant or any of the birthday cake, so I feel I did the best with what I had.

Snack: Apple and peanut butter
I was really hungry when we got home for the evening, and it was still relatively early, so I had one of my most favorite snacks.

Today went really well. I wish that I could have eaten a little healthier, but I'll be fine I'm sure. I actually had enough energy this evening that I was considering doing a second workout, but the baby had a rough time going to bed, so I didn't have the time to get it in. Maybe I'll do some extra crunches or something before I head to bed. I need to start downing water again. Being in and out all weekend I really didn't drink nearly as much water as I would have liked to

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 3 - 01/10/09

Breakfast: Omelette with cheese, tomatoes, sausage and mushrooms

Snack: Didn't happen this morning since we were out and about for Saturday activities

Lunch: Tomato basil soup, Salad with poppy seed dressing, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and candied nuts.

Snack: Lunch was really late, so the afternoon snack kind of didn't happen either.

Dinner: Citrus chicken, avocado, tomato, and salad.

Workout: Toning
I remember this workout being a LOT harder than it was. I haven't done it in a really long time. I think it also really helped that I've been working out consistently the last few days.

Snack: Peanutbutter toast
I've been craving peanut butter like mad lately, so I was WAY excited about this. Tasty stuff.

Today has been really good overall. We were out and about most of the day, which stressed me out a little bit dealing with the baby while we were out there. My workout didn't happen until pretty late tonight, which I don't really prefer, but at least I got it in. According to the wii fit, I'm down I think 2 1/2 pounds in the last 3 days, which is GREAT!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 2 - 01/09/09

Breakfast: egg white burrito with spinach, green peppers, avocado, sour cream, salsa, and a side of fruit.

Snack: Breakfast was late so I didn't have a morning snack.

Lunch: Salad

Workout: Cardio party
WAY easier today. I didn't realize it until I really started moving, but my core is feeling tight from yesterdays workout. Not necessarily sore, but just kind of pulling and well....tight feeling. I kind of like it.

Snack: Protein shake mixed with milk.

Snack: 1/2 C of sliced pears.
I was hungry, and I hadn't had a second snack today.

Dinner: Spicy Peanut Chicken.

Considering I went out this morning, I think I did pretty good with my eating today. Yeah, I probably had too many carbs, but I also had quite a bit of fruit and veg today, and a fair amount of lean protein as well. Not a perfect day, but I'm still proud of myself for it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

10 day turbo jam challenge

Day 1 - 1/8/09

Breakfast: 2 eggs, mushrooms, tomato and spinach omelette. Whole wheat toast with raspberry preserves

Workout: Cardio Party.
Man, I forgot how much I LOVE the end of this workout. It's totally worth getting through the rest of it in order to do this awesome finesse section.

Snack: Protein shake mixed with milk.

Lunch: Santa Fe Chicken soup.

Snack: 1/2 C cottage cheese and blackberries
Really not a great combination, but it was filling at least

Dinner: Beef Stir-fry with celery, carrots, and broccoli crowns.

I feel really good from today. Maybe a little bit hungry, but I don't have anything that I want to munch on, so I'll chomp on a piece of gum and have some extra water.